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Welcome to the Arizona Solar Racing Team's blog! Here you will find updates on our work, event announcements, photos, and links to our other sites.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Day 3 ...

Day 3, weather wise was exceptionally well.
We were able to go to our max speed capacity which was only around 55 mph.

This was another day of using a more conservative strategy versus a more aggressive. Tomorrow we will go all out and try to be ahead in the lower pack of the race.
As we entered the check point in Tulsa, OK, we saw Queen's leaving and also heard that Red River College left right before Queen's.

The lower pack (in my own opinion) consists of Queen's, Red River College, Iowa State, U of Kentucky and US.
We would have been closer to them if we did not today's last minute issues.

1. we had a flat on the startig line
2. we had to do a driver change because the driver was not comfortable
3. when we wanted to change drivers, the driver ballast were all left in the trailler.

These driver mistakes could have been avoided. The leads have decided that all of them will be accountable if one of them makes a mistake.


Connie G said...

sorry for all the snags....hopefully smooth sailing (or cruising) going forward,

Happy Birthday Justin!

Anonymous said...

Its very nice on updating day to day.